Karter turned 12! 12 is a huge milestone for boys in the LDS church. He has been given the Aaronic Priesthood and can now serve sacrament and attend Young Men's instead of being stuck down in primary with the little kids. (Karter couldn't WAIT for that change. LOL)
For his birthday party his scout troop floated the river from Flaming Gorge Dam to Little Hole. Afterward we roasted hot dogs then took the dam tour. There were many "Dam" jokes thrown around that day. Those boys had a ball and were so much fun.
In these pics you'll see- Karter, Ally, Kai and Kenyon along with Weston Horrocks, Marleigh Horrocks, Kyle Hanke, Gavin Henrie, Kason Miller and Kyler Campbell. Their Scout leaders are Kevin Duncan and Kolby Rook.
Waiting for the dam tour to start: l to r: Gavin Henrie, Kason Miller (behind), Weston Horrocks, Karter, Kyle Hanke, Kyler Campbell (behind)
The Dam Marmot
Beautiful scenery on a fun day too!
We also caught a movie at the Drive-in theater on FREE night. We found a bunch of friends there.
Karter and Weston found a really great Indian radio station.
Ally and Ali Mortensen. Awww! We're gonna miss Ali! She moved to Colorado. :-(
BFFs- Marleigh, Ali and Ally
Kenyon loves his BFF Marleigh!
You'd never guess it was freezing cold that morning, would you? 65 degrees poolside!
Warming up in his blanket after a really cold dip in the pool at 8 a.m.
Synchronized swim team! Ally and Marleigh
A boy and his bunny. Kenyon caught this bunny in the Neola kid's rodeo.
Kolb's new car
Parade time! Ally, Kai and Kenyon on The Edge Magazine "float". Michelle's dad's 1950 Chev
Kenyon on his Farm Field Trip in May
The Band Geeks take Lagoon!
Karter and his 6th grade band buddies had a great time at Lagoon after competition in Salt Lake
Just like his dad, Karter loves the Go-Karts.
Thumbs up for going straight up! Karter on the Catapult
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